A new year is here – but have you made the same old resolutions, destined to fail? Too many people start the year with an optimistic set of "Will Do This Year" goals and end January with nothing but a list of "To Do Next Year" dreams gone bad.
Let's change that right now by ensuring your 2022 resolutions are achievable. Here are some of the big do's and don'ts that can make or break your goals this year.
1. Small Steps, Big Picture: Too many lists go bad right from the start because they're too broad. "Lose weight" or "Stop smoking" aren't specific enough. "Lose 25 pounds this year" isn't much better because it's daunting. Break your resolutions into mini-goals for each month or each quarter of the year. For example: "Lose 5 pounds by February 1st" is still a great goal, but doesn't it sound less frightening –and more reachable? Once you hit the first goal, set another one for the next month. Before you know it, you'll have established a pattern of success that will carry you forward through 2022.
2. Resolve to Do It Together: Who ever said resolutions have to be solo? When it comes to accomplishing a goal, "you against the world" sets yourself up for failure. Recruit a friend or loved one who has similar goals for the new year; you hold them accountable for their list and they hold you accountable for yours. You'll be more likely to complete your goals and avoid replicating it come Dec. 31st.
3. What Matters Most? While it's OK to recruit help to complete your goals, it's still your list of resolutions. Have you taken enough time to write down what really matters to you? If you didn't take time to truly think before compiling your list, it's not too late. No one says you have to start on January 1st. Getting it right is what matters. So is making sure your resolutions improve the most important aspects of your health and well-being. For example, using the weight-loss example (which might be the most common resolution out there), perhaps losing weight" shouldn't be #1 this year. Perhaps, when you really think about it, something else deserves to take precedence. Figure out what you truly want from 2022 ... and then go get it!
Making sure your resolutions are done right begins with recognizing where they could already be going wrong – and fixing them before another promising year of lifestyle improvements goes down the drain. Remember, the best resolutions are often the ones that weren't on last year's list; or the year before that. Armed with meaningful, manageable goals to achieve, you'll be ready to tackle 2022 head on!