You're at home on a Wednesday for all the wrong reasons. Rather than enjoying a midweek vacation day, your painful back is confining you to the bed or couch, with just about every movement eliciting pain. What if you could be back at work and out of pain – working hard to get ahead so you could truly enjoy your time off when you choose to take it, not when your bad back makes you take it?
If your workplace offered chiropractic care, both of the above scenarios might become reality. That's because workers who are offered chiropractic care for as little as one day a week in the workplace have lower rates of absenteeism than national averages, regardless of the reason.
In a recent study, a company offered in-office chiropractic services (everything from spinal adjustments to stretching, laser therapy, advice on nutrition / exercise, ice vs. heat for strain / sprain injuries, etc., and all within the chiropractor's scope of practice ) to its employees one day a week for three years. Almost all employees took advantage of the services during the course of the study period. Absenteeism rates over the three-year period were 0.72%, 0.55% and 0.67% for company workers; lower than Labor Force Statistics over the same three-year period (1.5%, 1.2%oes your company offer chiropractic? If it does, hopefully you're enjoying the benefits. If not, what are you waiting for? And if your company isn't on board, why not broach the topic? As this study suggests, providing chiropractic care at the workplace has benefits for both employees and the employer – a real win-win for everyone involved.